How to Update records using GridView control from ... Sno. Video name Description 5 Design_UpdateGV. Customizing/Designing gridView for updating records from gridView. 6 Update_FromGV_Folder Firing gridview_RowEditing () to edit gridview , gridview_RowUpdating() to update records from database as well as from website folder. Also, gridview_RowEditCanceling() for cancelling update. In this tutorial, I am going to update records from table(here qz4) using gridview control in hereby combining both the videos. In this tutorial, I am showing you how to update a record(i.e., updating countryName,flag) based on certain countryID(set this field as Primary Key). The field “flag” holds respective country’s flag image path but the actual image is stored on your website folder(here nation). So, if I update a record it would not only update the said record from database but also from the website folder. That’s it, I am...